Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The Global Context for HRM

The role of technology in Globalization

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Globalization is the way of the greater movement & integration of people, capital, Goods & services across borders. Globalization of markets & productions are the main components which is affected by technology.

Due to the major development took place in communication, transportation & information processing, globalization of markets & productions has been more flexible to the community. Internet & the World wide web connects people & market places together & keep them connected without barriers which provides a comfort to get involved in trade & investments all across the world.

Due to invention & development of microprocessors, it has become more easier to access high power, low cost computing & global communications through satellites, optical fibers & wireless technologies.

Internet & world wide web plays a major role in terms of promoting global markets & products across borders. No of people & companies increased their access to internet go connect with the world as much as possible greater than past. E commerce enables small & large businesses to expand their global presence at a very lower price more than before.

Smart phones give access to general public to the global marketplace through internet on their go. They get all the information & updates related to any topic in the world & access the goods & services through their mobiles. This enables global communication to a greater extent where the world becomes more smaller as a global village.

Innovations of commercial jet aircrafts, super-freighters & containerization has made the difference of transporting goods across borders by lowering costs & increasing productivity by low time consumption.

Role of Technology in Globalization Essay (2016) Sundaymoose. Available at:

The role of Technology in Globalization (no date). Available at:


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  2. Yes extremely agreed with you. Even small boutiques can expand their business by the way of globalization & smart digital entertainment.If you add the citations too, i think its a possitive impact for untusiastic reader for follow move details . Well done.


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