Monday, September 30, 2019

Managing Performance

Using Performance Management effectively in an organization

Performance management is an ongoing process of communication between employer & employee which supports to achieve goals of the organization which includes setting objectives, clarifying problems, identifying goals, giving suitable feedbacks & reward employees accordingly.

Performance Management software dashboard on an iPad

According to Capelli (2008), there are four elements of Performance Management.

1.     Agreement
2.     Feedback
3.     Positive reinforcement
4.     Dialogue

To perform a duty well, employees should know what they have to do & what is their end goal is. To make this clear a fully up to date job description is required which describe their job functions & responsibilities. It will also provide a guideline in to what skills are required & what are the areas that employees should perform.

It is important to recruit potential employees who can perform the duties up to the expected levels by conducting interviews & frequent meetings & welcome them to the organization.
Once they entered to the organization, assign them with a mentor & moderate them with the organizational culture. Do not forget to negotiate their requirements & reward them for their performances & outcomes.

It is recommended to provide them with ongoing education & training, coaching & feedback at least quarterly. It helps to identify their capacities & discrepancies towards the performance & will provide sufficient time to overcome such situations. This will lead them to their career development/promotions where it will motivate & enhance the moral of the employees.

If performance management implements correctly, following outcomes can be emphasized.

Improved Communication
The employee & the supervisor communicates more frequently where they agree on changed objectives & both can always ensure that their input on specific objective has not gone waste. More focus will be there towards the end goal.

Both employee & supervisor enter the process with better understanding & confidence where all the rules are clearly prior defined. It provides more comfort to both because it describes what is expected, how to perform & how they will be assessed at the end of the year.

Reduce Stress
By conducting review quarterly or bi-annually, employees will always get feedback on their performance where they have ample of time to overcome their discrepancies & perform better. This helps them to reduce their stress & provide more confident on their work which leads to better performance.

Performance Appraisals
By conducting frequent reviews, objectives can be adjusted to suit the changing business environment. Performance appraisals ensures that judging past performance according to agreed objectives. Non performers get more focus & attention & problems can be addressed much faster. Most of the organizations reports who has or has not achieved their objectives & reasons for it. This provides a understanding where employees lacking & where they need trainings & advise.

Learning & Development
Most of Performance Management systems enforce superiors & employees to develop a learning culture & engage more with the organization. Personal development is a frequent topic over organizations where they help employees to develop themselves & make them work toward the organizational goals in an efficient way.

Finally, this enables an engaged workforce who committed to achieve organizational goals & take it towards success.


Performance Management: Concepts & Definitions (2019) Berkeley University of California. Available at:

Performance Management (2019) The balance Careers. Available at:

Introduction to Performance Management (2019) PeopleStream. Available at:


  1. Good article, to make an effective performance review we need clear and updated job description with goals and guidelines. As you mentioned the performance management should reduce stress, through the ongoing feedback process for a better output. Thank for sharing.

  2. According to Capelli (2008), there are four elements of Performance Management, I think most Important one is the 'Feedback' Since through that process employer & employee can address the cons & appreciate the effort.

  3. Interesting article and nicely explain. thanks share your knowledge in this blog. good luck.

  4. You have explained the positive effects well. More than that team-based performance evaluation lead the organisation into a democratic environment and downsize the internal competition and increase engagement and performance ultimately.
    Thanks for sharing!

  5. Effective performance Appraisal are the key to employee motivation. Agree with your argument and the blog is rich in content. Thanks for sharing


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