Friday, October 4, 2019

Organizational Culture

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Creating a healthy Organizational Culture

Culture is simply how things are done around here (Drennan, 1992:3 after Bower). Most of the time organizational culture just happens over the time as interaction of the people who represent independent set of values and ways of behaving that are common in the community. There are instances where company founders    discuss what type of culture they need to create in their organization where they sometimes succeeds & sometimes fail.

Make culture & values more important as results & productivity

In an organization all the employees are accountable for their individual performances which will evaluate time to time by superiors. But are they evaluating their employees on whether they live their organizational values?
Organizational values play a vital role on creating a healthy culture. Making employees accountable for living organizational value ensures a unity & uniqueness among other organizations.
It is important to hold every & each person responsible to live company values which will create a path for a unique culture.

Values should be tangible, measurable & observable

It is important to define organizational values that everyone can follow them easily. It shows a path to a specific behavioral method all over the organization where it will create a strong culture after a considerable time. Values become the foundation for a healthy organizational culture which plays the main role.

Clear Vision

There should be a strong, clear vision for an organization which motivates the employees. Employees must give their 100% to the organization to achieve the vision what make them dream about their future. Vision should be simple where all level of employees & customers can understand it easily. This helps to perform employees’ tasks & attract customers towards the organization.


Values & Vision does not mean anything if they are not brought in to life in an organization. All the employees & the management have to live their values & bring their vision into practice.


People are the most important factor to build a strong, healthy organizational culture who brings company values & vision to action. An organization must recruit employees who can work individually as well as a team & for a motivational fit. They can be developed as future leaders who will continue the organizational culture forward.


When implementing a healthy culture in an organization, it is important to have a healthy way of communication between the management & employees, within employees & to their customers. Communication must flow well from upwards to downwards as well as downwards to upwards. Employees should have the confident to communicate their ideas, suggestions to the management freely.

The story of the organization

The story of the organization must show the excellence on how the company is making a positive impact on the community. It should include the history & roots & how it came about, the why behind the creation & most importantly every team member must feel that they are a part of the story. Leaders must ensure that they choose the right story for their organization which helps to build a strong healthy culture.


LUCAS, S. (2019) 4 Steps to Creating a Healthy, Thriving Organizational Culture, The Balance careers. Available at:

Andryakov, A. C. (2018) 6 Ways for Leaders to Create a Healthy Organizational Culture, Entrepreneur. Available at:

Morrissey, C. (2016) The 3 Most Important Things to Creating a Healthy Culture at Work. Available at:


  1. Interesting article.Focus on “Trust, Common goals & Continuous improvements “ get a great start in creating healthy organizational culture.

  2. What is your idea about betwenn healthy oraganization culture+ low salary and non healthy organization culture+good salary..what will you prefer.

  3. Need to maintain proper employee relation to sustain and to achieve organization goals, to build good relationship and to reduce conflicts we need better communication and bargaining skills in both sides. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Organization culture vary from organization to organization ,hence its more important to implement and promote the most suitable approach to the business. If we try to imitate some one's culture it will end up with a mess.Good explanation.

  5. Culture is what makes their business unique, which attracts the Customers as well as the employee to the organization. That is why as you mentioned its important to hold each & every one responsible in the organization.

  6. Interesting article and nicely explain. thanks share your knowledge in this blog. good luck.

  7. Fundamental themes to create an organisational culture demonstrated well. These themes need consistency to implement a great organisational structure. In my perspective, the theme "Communication" must be addressed from a leader rather than management as u explained.
    Appreciate the work and thanks for sharing.

  8. It is important to hold every & each person responsible to live company values which will create a path for a unique culture.Interesting article


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