Friday, August 9, 2019

Creating a Quality Employee Experience

Creating a Quality Employee Experience

Create a better employee experience to boost engagement

Understanding employee experience in an organization has become a key priority of HR & business leaders from past few years. Employee experience expresses what people encounter, observe or feel in their stay at an organization. It is a holistic view of relationship between the employee & the organization which starts from application process until the employee exits the business.

Creating a better employee experience helps the organization to understand how they are supporting their employees to be successful & where they need to do more. This will lead the organization a better place to work where it will add an Employer Value Proposition & Employee Value Proposition in both aspects to the organization but also to the employees.

Role of Personnel Management

Creating a quality employee experience can be done in various ways in an organization. Appointing a responsible person to manage people helps to understand what each & every employee expects from the organization & their individual working capacities. This is more practical for small scale companies in a more effective way. But for large & medium organizations personnel management will not be the best way to create a quality employee experience.

For small & medium scale organizations Taylorism can be a success method to improve employee efficiency by standardizing the process. Dividing a large division of work in to small elements by evaluating every step in it will maximize the efficiency of the process & employees will be a specialist on that particular division.
Image result for taylorism
Most of the organizations attract people to work for them, train them & finally reward them for their performances.

HR Personnel Sticky Notes Attract Hire Train Reward Retain Workers

Effect of Human Resource Management

Moving to large scale organizations, HRM is more effective rather than personnel management. For creating a quality employee experience, employees needs to be viewed or treated as an asset of the organization but not as a variable cost (Beer et al, 1984).

Human resource management defined as a strategic, integrated and coherent approach to the employment, development and well-being of the people working in organizations
(Armstrong, 2014).

According to Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, Ulrich and Brockbank (2005a) believe that caring and listening to employees remains a centre piece of HR work.

It is a good concept to implement to “Pay for Contribution rather than pay by position” where all the employees will be treated equally. People will work to earn & their satisfactory levels also will be high. This will lead to a unitarist approach in terms of employee relationship perspective & will create a strong internal labour market for core employees in the organization.

Also, a strategic nature to be implemented throughout the organization for a long-term human resource where people will work based on willing commitment rather than compliance.  

Harvard Model of HRM

In 1980s Harvard school of Beer et al developed an HRM concept which identified as Harvard Framework in 1992 by Boxall. As per this framework general managers or the line managers has more responsibility to develop a view of how they want to get employees engaged in work & what HRM policies may achieve the final organizational goals.

Harvard Framework for HRM contains few components which helps to create a quality employee experience in an organization.

The model starts with stakeholder interest which includes stakeholders, shareholders, Management, Employee groups, Government etc. These interests define the HRM policies.

Situational factors influence these interests which includes workforce characteristics, Unions etc.

Stakeholder interests & Situational factors both influence HRM Policies. This includes the core HR activities recruitment, training & reward system.

HRM policies leads the organization to positive HRM outcomes which includes retention, cost effectiveness, commitment & competence.

Finally, Positive HRM outcomes leads the organization to long term consequences. These can be individual, organizational or societal.

The Harvard Framework for HRM - HR Model

According to Ulrich Brockbank (2005) there are five functional aspects that to be looked in by an HR manager.
1.     A strategic partner with top management emphasizing transformational & cultural change.
2.     A functional expert in administration.
3.     An employee advocate.
4.     A human capital developer.
5.     A Leader contributing to the organization leadership function.

When implementing HRM policies HR managers should always concentrate on the policies which always gives best results (Universalist) & on certain HRM policies which work best only with a particular strategy (Contingency).

How to create a quality employee experience?

Creating a quality employee experience can be done in 05 simple steps which can be explained in a scientific manner as summarized below.

Step 01
Understand the short & long-term strategic goals of your organization.

Step 02
Find out what your employees need & want.

Step 03
Find out how do you want employees to feel about their experience at work.
And what kind of experience & culture you want in your organization.

Step 04
Getting honest feedback from your employees.

Step 05
Look for the gaps that needs to be addressed.

Ask employee feedback

To find out more in how to engage employees with your organization watch the below video.


Armstrong, M. (2014) The Practice of Human Resource Management. Kogan Page London and Philadelphia

Le Gallez, K. (no date) What is employee experience? Culture Amp. Available at:

Vulpen, E. van (2018) The Harvard Framework for HRM, Digital HR Tech. Available at:

Kane, H. (2018) 3 Tips to Create a Better Employee Experience (That Drives Engagement), Digital HR Tech. Available at:

Mulder, P. (2015) Scientific Management and Taylorism, ToolsHero. Available at:


  1. Interesting briefing on Personnel management, Effect of HRM and Harvard Model of HRM. You have shown the simple steps we can take to create quality employee experience as well. Application of 'Best Practice' and 'Best Fit' also influence employees to get better results.
    Good explanation.. Good Luck..!!!

  2. Thanks Jehan for good learning shared. in terms of Taylorism , i think it is used in big organization too, please correct me if im not. Thanks

    1. Exactly Achala, according to Frederick Winslow Taylor, large scale manufacturing through assembly-line factories explained in his book Principles of Scientific Management, 1911. What i meant in my article was after dividing a large scale process in to small elements, it can be easily managed & evaluate. It is true that it can be used in large scale organizations as well.
      Thank you so much for raising this. Much appreciated.

  3. Very attractive article and interesting to read it.

  4. Great effort.Attractive and interesting to read with those images and charts.

  5. Good job Jehan, Nicely written. However, in academic writing, you have to list whatever sources you have cited in your write up. For example, you have cited Brockbank (2005a), but it is not listed in the reference list. Please make sure to follow Harvard reference style as well.

    1. Dear Sir, Thank you very much for your feedback. I have amended the reference as per Harvard style as advised. What i have mentioned from Brockbank (2005a) is cited from "The Practice of Human Resource Management" by Armstrong (2014) is amended in the write up.

  6. Understand organizational goals, employee need and wants will definitely direct to positive HRM results also the steps of creating quality employee experience are clearly explained under the topic. Good work Jehan thanks for the knowledge sharing.

  7. Describing the creating a quality employee experience in simple steps is where your writing got more interesting, Nice work Jehan.

  8. There is a nice unique flow in your blog which I find very attractive. Professionally presented and detailed blog. Nice work Jehan.

  9. Hi Jehan, Very much interesting topic. Details flow is attractive. It's easy to grasp detailing of Effects of HRM, Harvard model of HRM along with the diagrams used. Good effort. Cheers!

  10. I think you have done it very attractively as there's a lot of things we can learn out of, The steps every organization can follow to create a quality employee experience is simply quite interesting, good work Jehan,wish you the best

  11. Interesting topic and your presentation is very clear & attractive.Thank you for sharing your knowledge Jehan ..

  12. Creating a better employee experience helps the organization to understand how they are supporting their employees to be successful & where they need to do more.Thank you for sharing


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