Monday, October 7, 2019

Employee Engagement - Part Two

People Vs Jobs – Study made on Job satisfaction

Image result for Are people satisfied with their jobs?

Are people happy with their current jobs?

This is a question that mostly asked in corporate world where the answer is still not understood. In my point of view the answer is Yes, most of the people does not like what they are doing right now & they look for a change & keep changing. In the western part of the world losing a job or changing jobs is not a big deal where they do not worry about white color jobs or status but focus on earning an income to survive. It is not a practical thing in Sri Lankan context where people believe in permanent jobs & status more than the financial income.

Rather than changing jobs frequently, it is more worthy to find why people are unhappy with their current jobs. The following reasons are some of the main points that employers need to focus on where they can retain their employees in the organization.

Not Loving what they do

Most of the people are unhappy with their jobs because they are not doing what they wants to do in life. This de-motivates them and leads to unsatisfactory.

Not the Right Job

Since all are looking for an income source most of the people agree on what they get first & accept it as it is. They resist to change because they think that if they change or resign their financial stability will collapse & their reputation will end up. Continuing with disappointments & regrets their satisfaction level falls daily.

Unhealthy competition at work

All of us likes to take the charge & lead others. When people are working as teams & some other person performs more than you & get the rewards or some other person acting unfairly to take benefits that you deserves & being success, people get disgruntled & demotivates.

Sense of entitlement

Lots of people in new generation comes with a sense of entitlement where they think that they deserve special treatments or attention than others because they have more qualifications. When people do not get what they expected, they start to criticize the organization & blame other colleagues with dissatisfaction.

Employee Motivation

Most of the corporates do not motivate their employees where people do not have any pride of their jobs and do not feel any loyalty towards the organization. Human nature is to get appreciation & rewards what makes them happy & motivated which will create loyalty.
Failing will lead to dissatisfaction & people will leave such organizations.

It is important to understand why people are unhappy with their jobs & need to find solutions for those rather than changing or leaving organizations.


Why are most people not happy with their current job? (2017) Quora. Available at:

MONEY or JOB SATISFACTION: Which is more important? (2018) Available at: Earning Some Real Cash

Saturday, October 5, 2019

The Ethical Context of HRM

Try Earning Some Real Cash !!!
Corporate Social Responsibility – CSR

Image result for Objectives of CSR

CSR is a management concept where corporates engage with social & environmental concerns in their operations & interactions with their stakeholders. By conducting CSR projects companies enhance their reputation & strengthen its brand while contributing to social & environmental activities. CSR is a way how companies keep their economic, social & environmental imperatives which is known as the Triple Bottom Line.

Triple Bottom Line approach is a comprehensive method for SMEs in developing countries to manage & engage their environmental & social standards apart from the competition. It measures corporate performance against economy, social & environmental involvement.
This proves the sustainability of an organization which is financially secured & long lasting.

Objectives of CSR

 Image result for Objectives of CSR

CSR Benefits in a Brief
  • Positive Reputation
  • Brand Recognition
  • Increased sales & customer loyalty
  • Organizational Growth
  • Better financial performance
  • Attract talent & retain employees
  • Operational cost savings


CSR (2019) Ascot Corp. Available at:

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) (no date) Available at:

Employee Engagement - Part Two

People Vs Jobs – Study made on Job satisfaction Are people happy with their current jobs? This is a question that...